How to Write SEO Content for your Mortgage Website

How to Write SEO Content for your Mortgage Website

Are you contemplating improving the ranking of your mortgage website on search engines? Well, you need a write fresh and SEO-rich content that will attract prospects and give zur website the rank you want. Here are some effective ways of writing SEO content for your mortgage website.

Select a Main Keyword/ Phrase

Make sure that you choose a keyword to include in the title and body of your mortgage post. Most importantly, the keyword or phrase you choose should be related to the topic. Format the key phrase in such a way that visitors are likely to search for it.

Evaluate Competition for your Keyword or Phrase

Before you post any content on your site, take some time to review the competition for your chosen keyword or phrase. It is advisable to opt for keywords with low competition level since keywords with a higher competition will not give your content the traffic and rack you want.

Make use of the various tools available to help you determine your rank with regards to the keywords you use. Better yet, make use of tools that can help do the keyword research for you. Moreover, they can provide you with a list of customized keywords and phrases.

Include Secondary Keywords

Secondary keywords are those terms that are closely related to the primary keyword. Also known as Latent Semantic Indexing keywords (LSI keywords), secondary keywords are usually included in the body of the article to help search engines understand and rank your content for the specified topic.

To do this, simply open the Google search bar and key in your primary keyword. Go through the related search list and select at least 2 to 3 keywords that are related to the main one.

Write Content Particularly Designed for Readers

Another important tip is to write engaging content for your prospects. A mistake that most people do is to write content for search engines rather than for people first. When you are writing SEO content for your mortgage website, know that you are writing for people first and Google algorithms will come second.

Make sure that you know your audience and provide something that they care about. What is their concern? What can you offer that no one else will? Do you have the knowledge to respond to their concerns? Once you understand this, write it down and address the issue in a clear, honest, and understandable manner.

Make it Between 500-2,500 Words

Long articles that have at least 500 words offer much value than short articles. Research shows that search engines rank long blog posts better. This is probably because in-depth content offers adequate information that search engines can understand.

A good blog post should be between 500-2,500words. Try not to hit over the 2,500 mark and break the content into several blog posts if necessary.

Use the Main Keyword in the First and Last Paragraph

As you write your content, be sure to include the most important keyword in the first and last paragraphs.  Ensure that you bold the primary keyword as you use it in the first sentence or first paragraph. You can as well use the primary keyword throughout the article but do not force it.  Make sure to include them naturally without overusing them.

Use the Main Keyword in Top Subheader (Header 1 Tag)

Another secret is to include your primary keyword and phrases in subheaders. This will make it easier for your readers to understand the content and for the search engine to rank it.

Edit Your Work

Once you are done writing, check your content for spelling and grammatical errors. You can use programs like Microsoft Word or Google docs to help you with this. Also, browser extension “Grammarly” is also a good way to check for mistakes.

Use Junior High School Reading Level

In order for your content to have ease of reading and clarity, it is highly recommendable to use junior high school reading level. Always use simple terms and keep the sentences short with a maximum of 20 words. Also, break large blocks of tests and check the readability score of your content through appropriate tools.

Add Inbounds and Outbound

Inbound links are basically hyperlinks that help to point out a page or post that is within your website. This can help to enhance keyword credit and even encourage visitors to explore your other services.

On the other hand, outbound link is only optional, and they help to point out a page on another website.


With these tips, it will be easier to come up with a professional SEO content that will ensure the success of your mortgage brand. Take some time to master the skill of becoming an SEO writing expert until your content starts to rank.

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